Friday’s Featured Favorites 10.19.12

1. This Alexander McQueen dress is absolutely gorgeous.

2. I’ve decided this is how I’m getting my nails done for the work holiday party this year. I’ve refused to follow the ‘paint your ring finger a different color’ trend because everyone is doing it, but I love this look of the black and gold so much I don’t think I can pass it up.

3. I love the geometry, along with the simplicity yet complexity of the piece, Untitled, by Clara Hastrup for sale over at the Saatchi Online art gallery.

4. I’ve been especially missing my younger brother this week since he’s in Argentina, and right before he left he introduced me to the band Aunt Martha, which I mentioned back in this post. I’ve been putting in my headphones at work this week listening to Aunt Martha Pandora and I found this new favorite song of mine, Moonshine by Grover Anderson.

Have your own favorites of the week? Please share!